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Social responsibility

The Social Responsibility Group aims to raise awareness of social and justice concerns and to link these with our charitable giving. Our chief concern this year has been to respond to international emergencies while also supporting local Oxfordshire charities, particularly those known personally to us. We are always open to suggestions and recommendations from members of the congregation.


For 2023/24

Our two nominated charities supported by the PCC were Sue Ryder (our local Hospice) and the Sharp Memorial School for the Blind in India. Both charities keep us updated on their work.

…... took the lead in coordinating collections for Christian Aid Week and arranged for a speaker at the Morning Service in St Mary’s. ... also organised envelopes to be available in the churches for two weeks in November to raise money for Christian Aid’s Middle East Crisis Appeal.  


Our group has organised special collections throughout the year in aid of the UNHCR, Prison Phoenix Trust, Children on the Edge, British Ukraine Aid, The Gatehouse, Cruse Bereavement Support, Amnesty International, Wallingford Emergency Food Bank, Style Acre, See Saw and the Red Cross Emergencies Appeal. We held cake sales for Fair Trade week and at Harvest Festival and were grateful for the many and delicious home-made cakes contributed. 


We welcomed a speaker from the Prison Phoenix Trust.


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